

使用 cloud-init 模板






I have an OpenStack cloud and added the CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1503 image and it boots just fine, but I do not know how to login. What is the root password? How can I set it? Is there some other account I need to use?

The default username for the CentOS 7 cloud image is centos. There is no password; instead you log in with the ssh key you provided at instance creation. You can then sudo and do whatever you like.

If you downladed the GenericCloud image from cloud.centos.org, it does not have any users created. You can change the root password using virt-customize from libguestfs-tools package:

# virt-customize -a image_name.qcow2 --root-password password:your.great.password

Just keep in mid that this is not secure. After you login as root, you should create a sudo user, set up key-based authentication for ssh, disable root login, etc.