

{ Sample program
  in TINY language -
  computes factorial
read x; { input an integer }
if 0 < x then { don't compute if x <= 0 }
  fact := 1;
    fact := fact * x;
    x := x - 1
  until x = 0;
  write fact  { output factorial of x }


  0:     LD  6,0(0) 
  1:     ST  0,0(0) 
  2:     IN  0,0,0 
  3:     ST  0,0(5) 
  4:    LDC  0,0(0) 
  5:     ST  0,0(6) 
  6:     LD  0,0(5) 
  7:     LD  1,0(6) 
  8:    SUB  0,1,0 
  9:    JLT  0,2(7) 
 10:    LDC  0,0(0) 
 11:    LDA  7,1(7) 
 12:    LDC  0,1(0) 
 14:    LDC  0,1(0) 
 15:     ST  0,1(5) 
 16:     LD  0,1(5) 
 17:     ST  0,0(6) 
 18:     LD  0,0(5) 
 19:     LD  1,0(6) 
 20:    MUL  0,1,0 
 21:     ST  0,1(5) 
 22:     LD  0,0(5) 
 23:     ST  0,0(6) 
 24:    LDC  0,1(0) 
 25:     LD  1,0(6) 
 26:    SUB  0,1,0 
 27:     ST  0,0(5) 
 28:     LD  0,0(5) 
 29:     ST  0,0(6) 
 30:    LDC  0,0(0) 
 31:     LD  1,0(6) 
 32:    SUB  0,1,0 
 33:    JEQ  0,2(7) 
 34:    LDC  0,0(0) 
 35:    LDA  7,1(7) 
 36:    LDC  0,1(0) 
 37:    JEQ  0,-22(7) 
 38:     LD  0,1(5) 
 39:    OUT  0,0,0 
 13:    JEQ  0,27(7) 
 40:    LDA  7,0(7) 
 41:   HALT  0,0,0


$ tm SAMPLE.tm
TM  simulation (enter h for help)...
Enter command: h
Commands are:
   s(tep <n>      Execute n (default 1) TM instructions
   g(o            Execute TM instructions until HALT
   r(egs          Print the contents of the registers
   i(Mem <b <n>>  Print n iMem locations starting at b
   d(Mem <b <n>>  Print n dMem locations starting at b
   t(race         Toggle instruction trace
   p(rint         Toggle print of total instructions executed ('go' only)
   c(lear         Reset simulator for new execution of program
   h(elp          Cause this list of commands to be printed
   q(uit          Terminate the simulation
Enter command: g
Enter value for IN instruction: 5
OUT instruction prints: 120
HALT: 0,0,0
Enter command:

可以看到输出结果:OUT instruction prints: 120

Enter command: r
0:  120    1:    0    2:    0    3:    0
4:    0    5:    0    6: 1023    7:   42