Innodb Cluster故障处理

innodb cluster stuck in recovering


Try to skip one transaction on that server using the below commands,

get the gtid from below command

show variables like "%gtid%"

stop group_replication.

reset master;

set global gtid_purged="gtid from the above command  +1"

start group_replication

According to the documentation, you can get more detailed information by: The output of the Cluster.status() operation can be extended to enable you to display information about the underlying Group Replication group used by the cluster. To see information about the groupName and memberId; and general statistics about the number of transactions checked, proposed, and rejected by instances issue:



To see information about recovery and regular transaction I/O, applier worker thread statistics and any lags; applier coordinator statistics, if parallel apply is enabled; error, and other information from I/O and applier threads issue
