分别在 1,2 号节点部署 cron 任务,1号2号都可能有报错日志:
ERROR: 'Trying to commit transaction whereas none have been started !: mysql_errno = 3101, mysql_error = Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.'
Please note, that in general this error is an expected behavior of Group Replication plugin, when it finds conflicting transactions on different nodes, if Multi Primary mode is used. Application should be able to handle this type of errors based on application logic. The following sections can only applied in those cases, when this error is caused by multiple updates on the same node.
参考: https://support.oracle.com/knowledge/Oracle%20Database%20Products/2211042_1.html
可能最好只在一个节点上运行 cron
全新安装,新增 4 个 Server 对象,一个 业务流程 对象
mysqldump --opt --skip-lock-tables --default-character-set="utf8" --add-drop-database --single-transaction --host=localhost --port=3306 --user=root -proot --set-gtid-purged=OFF --result-file=/tmp/itop.sql cmdb
mysql -uroot -proot cmdb < itop.sql